Board Fundraising Commitment Form

Many nonprofit managers worry about how to best engage and encourage their boards to participate in fundraising.  One of the most essential criteria when recruiting volunteer board members is to make it clear what is expected when they agree to serve on your governing board.

An easy first step is to ask ALL board member, new and old, to sign an annual commitment form.

I've used versions of this form below for many years.  I found this thanks to Tony Poderis, who has been one of the pioneers of fundraising and nonprofit advice online!!  See his site at:

SAMPLE Board Members Pledge to Support Fundraising Efforts
As a board member of ______________________, I pledge to support and take part in all of the organization's fund-raising efforts.
    • I will actively solicit gifts for every fund-raising campaign we undertake.
    • I will carry the message of the organization's value and importance to those with whom I work and socialize.
    • Recognizing that leaders must lead by example, I will make a gift to every fund-raising campaign the organization undertakes consistent with my ability to give and reflective of my commitment to the organization.
                                            Signed: ________________________, Trustee

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